Saturday, June 13, 2009

Saturday ThOt: The ThoughtsandObsessions Tag

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This is the first ThoughtsandObsessions Tag

In short, Saturday ThOt

About the Tag:
  1. Every Saturday, I will provide a set of 12 Questions on a single topic. 
  2. Sometimes, I'll just provide a topic and list my thoughts. If this is the case, feel free to do the same or make your own set of Q&A for diversity but please stay on the topic.
  3. Feel free to post suggestions on what topics you'd like discussed, talked about, thoughts, your own obsessions or passions.
  4. Click on Mr. Linky to list your entry or leave it as a comment.
  5. Once you join this weekly tag, you are encouraged to visit other blogs who also have their participation posted. Let's do this together and have fun together.
Saturday ThOt: Vampires!
  1. Which Vampire Author do you like most between Anne Rice, Charlaine Harris, or Stephenie Meyer?
  2. Who is your favorite vampire among Anne Rice's vampires and why?
  3. Who is your favorite vampire among Charlaine Harris' and why?
  4. Who is your favorite vampire among Stephenie Meyer's and why?
  5. Besides being immortal and drinks blood, what would your vampire be like? 
  6. If your vampire were to have other supernatural abilities what would it be?
  7. If you were a vampire, would you drink animal blood or get human blood but from blood donors?
  8. Vampire Tv Series: Buffy, Angel, True Blood, Moonlight? or the new one... The Vampire Diaries
  9. Favorite Book in 'The Vampire Chronicles' of Anne Rice
  10. Favorite Book in 'The Twilight Saga' of Stephenie Meyer
  11. Favorite Book in 'The Sookie Stackhouse Series' of Charlaine Harris
  12. What other supernatural being do you like?

My answers:
  1. Anne Rice is my first love. Made me meet my first college crush.
  2. Lestat de Lioncourt. The Brat Prince himself. Just so stubborn.
  3. Sorry fans of Billy, I like Eric specially when he got amnesia.(spoiler alert!)
  4. Edward Cullen - the book character. In the movies: Jackson Rathbone:Jasper
  5. Still in touch with his humanity.
  6. Can affect the moods of those around him. To calm me, when I get hot-tempered.
  7. Animal blood - so I can have topaz eyes. 
  8. True Blood by HBO rocks! Anna Pacquin is amazing. Just the way I imagined Sookie to be.
  9. Without a doubt, Queen of the Damned. Akasha, one of my favorites among the vampires was the queen there.
  10. Breaking Dawn, with Twilight as the close second. 
  11. From Dead to Worse.Just Because.
  12. Shape Shifters! - both present in Charlaine Harris' and Stephenie Meyer's novels

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