Saturday, October 24, 2009

Me and the Tv

OndemandHi! I'm Mys and I'm a tv addict. Yep! That's true. That's why I enjoy joining Tuesday Couch Potatoes and dreaming of another meme called Lazy Couch Mondays. I enjoy staying at home, and watching tv. Did you know that I am envious of my cousins in the U.S.? Shh...don't tell them I told you. For the very simple reason that they get to see all the great movies first, since it's shown there first. I can just imagine being in the U.S. and being able to watch the premiere of New Moon. My heart swells with envy. I could go on and on. Then there are those yummy television series. Boy, my cousins are so lucky. They get to watch Heroes, House, Supernatural, One Tree Hill as soon as it gets shown. I have to wait for the local tv networks to pick it up here, or if they show a remote interest in the series. But my cousins may not know it yet, but if they have Charter Digital, then they get to have free access to Charter on Demand and that means they get to watch any show any time they want. Wouldn't that be great? I can watch whatever I want as soon as my kids are napping as soon as I want it. That sounds pretty fantastic to me.I can just imagine my kids napping and I'm watching the new season of Supernatural. Wow! What's more amazing? As soon as my kids are done with their nap and demand to watch their favorite shows like Barney, Dora or Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, they can get to watch it as soon as they want it. No renting of the movie, or waiting for that dvd to come in the mail. With Charter, you get it, when you want it.
Missed watching House and it was shown last night, no problem for Charter. You can watch it the very next day. Like I told you, as soon as you want it and the amazing thing? It's for free. Yep, if you want learn more at

For those who have facebook accounts, get updates and fun extras on Charter’s Facebook page



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