Saturday 9 Meme
Your heart will feel lighter
Dear Reader,

1. No matter what's going on in your life, what always makes you smile? My kids. Paul is a comedian and Maegan is a klutz.
2. What's the biggest lie you've ever told? "I'm not pregnant. "
3. Do you hold a grudge? I did. A long time ago. No grudges now.
4. What is the worst job you've ever had? Having no job is the worst.
5. What would be your dream job? Owner of a bookstore/study lounge/internet cafe
6. What is the happiest event you've experienced? My wedding, everyone was there... almost everyone.
7. What is the saddest thing you've experienced? The discovery of Auntie Betty's cancer.
8. Do you tend to exaggerate or underestimate? Exaggerate and Overreact.
9. List the cars that you have owned. Give us just a few words about each one.
I don't own a car. My mom does.

Great list and i LOVE your font!
I am nw a follower and going to grab your button
Lovely answers.
Mine is HERE
Have a great weekend.
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