Wednesday, January 20, 2010

To Auntie Betty

Dear Auntie Betty,

It comes as such a shock to us that you've kept something to yourself for so long. I wish we had learned of it sooner so that maybe we could have more hope,stood a bigger fighting chance. Don't get me wrong, we have not lost hope. It just saddens us that the illness has come at a time when we need you to be healthy the most. I worry about my nieces and nephews, your grandkids who will be left in your care while you are sick.
Prayers can only do so much, you should have sought a doctor's help. Blame will not get us anywhere. Instead, we all look forward to discovering what stage your illness is and what treatment we can use to counter the effects of that illness. We will not stop praying. We will look for all means possible to treat and combat that disease. Be strong. Do what you love to do the most. Live your life to the fullest, every second of it is precious. Don't eat read meat. I love you. You've always been someone I could run to.


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