Monday, March 8, 2010

United World Poets: A Review

This is a review for the biggest contest in the blogniverse. Have you joined?

Dear Reader,

                            Poetry is a form of literary art in which language is used for its aesthetic and evocative qualities in addition to, or in lieu of, its apparent meaning (source)
The site has a layout of 3 columns with a black header. The header clearly depicts what the goal of the site is. To unite world poets. The site is a social poetry community for poets world wide. From Canada to anywhere in the world, you can find all kinds of poets here. I am amazed at the different categories of poetry and the different groups formed by a poetry. I only ventured into writing a short story once or twice. I didn't publish it here again when I reinvented my blog.

I have a whole lot of respect for poets and poetry. I feel that if you can write them that way and get your point across or evoke some sort of a reaction and connect to your reader, then you did something right. Sometimes, poetry is also just about expression of your feelings, saying it out loud, or writing it for the whole world to see.

Certainly, the blog has a lot to offer to anyone and to everyone. It will certainly pose an appeal to other writers as their outlet and community, to encounter other poets who write in the same genre or of a totally different kind. It will appeal to people who have no talent in poetry whatsoever so that they can have an idea on how to write their own poetry or get inspiration from those already written.

Whether you're looking for a poem that could fit your feelings about God, a lover, or a friend and even your Child, United World Poets may just be the site you're looking for.


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